Fiber (CODEX Definition) - Total Test
- Price
$452 per analysis
- Turnaround time
7 - 9 Business Days
- Rush

Technical data sheet
- Method description
Samples (defatted if necessary) are digested 16 hours in a manner that simulates the human digestive system with 3 enzymes (pancreatic alpha-amylase, protease, and amyloglucosidase) to remove starch and protein. Ethanol is added to precipitate high molecular weight soluble dietary fiber. The resulting solution is filtered and the residue is dried and weighed. Protein and ash are determined on the residue. The filtrate is captured, concentrated, and analyzed via HPLC to determine the value of low molecular weight soluble dietary fiber (LMWSF). Total dietary fiber (TDF) is calculated as the weight of the residue minus protein and ash plus the low molecular weight soluble fiber determined by HPLC analysis.
- Acceptable matrices
Food and Food Ingredients
- Unacceptable matrices
Baking powder, Samples containing more than 2% stevia
- Limit of quantitation
Total Dietary Fiber - 0.1%
- Equipment
General Gravimetric Analytical Chemistry Equipment HPLC-Refractive Index Detector
- Method reference
AOAC 2009.01
- Reportable unit
- Sample size requirements
25 g
- Information required by submitter
please supply expected estimates. Indicate matrix type, and indicate if samples are high in fat (>5% fat). Indicate whether the sample contains stevia, fructans (inulin or fructooligosaccharides (FOS)), psyllium, flax, and gum (i.e. guar gum)
- Additional information
This test measures total dietary fiber including resistant starch and low molecular weight non-digestible oligosaccharides of DP =3. If a breakout of soluble and insoluble fiber as well as total dietary fiber is desired, please choose our Total, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber CODEX Definition method. Please include notification for samples containing DP2 and DP3 carbohydrates (Isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO), Maltiltol, Lactose). Dietary Fiber is the portion of the carbohydrates which is not digested in the human gut. It is composed of both soluble and insoluble components. High-fat (>5%) samples require special handling.
Is this the most suitable fiber test for evaluating my product?
Find your fiber source(s) on the chart and use the alpha reference to see how it aligns with each method. If the alpha reference is fully inside the method circle, that method is optimal for your fiber source(s). If it's outside or touching the circle's edge, the method won't fully capture the fiber. Remember to check applicable labeling regulations for allowed fiber sources.
- AOAC Method 2001.03
AOAC Method 991.43 - AOAC Method 2017.16
AOAC Method 2022.01 - AOAC Method 985.29
AOAC Method 991.43 - AOAC Method 2009.01
AOAC Method 2011.25
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Common Fiber (CODEX Definition) - Total Test Testing Questions
We make every effort to keep our methods and detection limits up to date according to the latest standards and qualifications. If you have any questions regarding the limit of detection/quantification or method references, please contact our Customer Service team at 1-800-245-5615.
Our standard turnaround time is 10 business days for most assays. There are some assays that require a longer turnaround time. We also offer a RUSH service that is half the time of the standard turnaround time of the assay at double the cost of the assay. A few assays that we provide cannot be rushed due to the nature of the test. Please check the specific assay you are interested in regarding the ability to RUSH the turnaround time.
The Codex Fiber tests use a longer digestion timeframe and procedure compared to the Fiber Gravimetric and Fiber RO methods. Due to this longer digestion time, there may be lower recovery in specific types of Resistant Starches, such as RS4 and a lower recovery of RS2 & RS3 fibers.
In general, the Codex tests can handle and accept a wide variety of fiber ingredients. Some types of samples cause gelling or thickening during testing, which can prevent proper enzyme digestion, and this thickening can also absorb water.
There are several compounds in foods that should be noted while submitting to ensure that we can accurately analyze and measure fiber. Matrices that should be noted include: RS4, Sugar Alcohols, Stevia, High Fat Samples, and Psyllium.
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