Amino Acid Profile Test - Performic Acid Oxidation Amino Acids (Cystine and Methionine) Test
- Price
$225 per analysis
- Turnaround time
12 - 15 Business Days
- Rush

Technical data sheet
- Method description
Samples are pre-treated overnight with performic acid to oxidize Cysteine/cysteine and methionine to the more stable cysterix acid and methionine sulfone, improving recovery of these analytes during acid hydrolysis. The performic acid is then neutralized, and the samples are digested in 6N HCL for 24 hours at 110°C. Norleucine is used as an internal standard to acocunt for any losses during hydrolysis. Sample extracts are then diluted and filtered. Analysis is performed on a cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatograph with post-column ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) derivitization and flourescenct emission detection. Results are reported as cystine/methionine using molecular weightc conversion factor. This method is not applicatble to samples containing >8% cystine and methionine.
- Acceptable matrices
Food and Food Ingredients
- Limit of quantitation
- Equipment
- Method reference
AOAC 994.12 with modifications
- Reportable unit
- Sample size requirements
100 g
- Information required by submitter
Please supply estimates
- Additional information
Results will be reported as "Performic Amino Acids as Dehydrates" to signify that the reported values for the individual amino acids in this screen do not include the molecular weight of water. If you are in need of the hydrated amino acid values (individual amino acids that include the molecular weight of one water molecule) please let us know at the time of sample submission.
Common Amino Acid Profile Test - Performic Acid Oxidation Amino Acids (Cystine and Methionine) Test Testing Questions
We make every effort to keep our methods and detection limits up to date according to the latest standards and qualifications. If you have any questions regarding the limit of detection/quantification or method references, please contact our Customer Service team at 1-800-245-5615.
Our standard turnaround time is 10 business days for most assays. There are some assays that require a longer turnaround time. We also offer a RUSH service that is half the time of the standard turnaround time of the assay at double the cost of the assay. A few assays that we provide cannot be rushed due to the nature of the test. Please check the specific assay you are interested in regarding the ability to RUSH the turnaround time.
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